Monday, March 16, 2009

Rug Burn

He asks about the dark mark on my back
As if this was the first time he had entered me from behind
As if this was the first time he had ever noticed me
He touches the mark, "It looks like a burn"
I hesitate to answer

I drove him home from the airport
He welcomed me inside with kisses
I stood up against the wall
His mouth visited the places he missed
I don't remember sliding to the floor
I do remember losing myself in green eyes
I felt the sting after we wore out our welcome

After a pause I say, "It was a burn"
I don't say it hasn't quite healed


  1. I like this. I was most touched by the "After a pause". Great work.

  2. I love your poetry Pam! Usually it's little difficult for me to read poetry in English because it sounds so different from how I used for it to sound in Russian, but what you write is amazingly beautiful & always speaks to me. Thank you for sharing!

  3. Well that was so on point. I captured both the hurt and shame of know a relationship was in shambles to the embarrassment and cheating on someone you're in a shambled relationship with.
